Atklāti 275 miljoni jaunu ģenētisko variantu 

Researchers have discovered 275 million new genetic variants from data shared by 250,000 participants of All of us Research Programme of NIH. This vast unexplored data will help better understand influence of ģenētika on health and disease.  

Researchers have identified over 275 million new ģenētisks varianti from data shared by about 250,000 participants of Visi no mums Research Programme of National Institute of Health (NIH) of the USA. These varianti were previously unreported and unexplored. Of the 275 million newly identified varianti, nearly 4 million are in areas that may be associated with the disease risks.  

Interestingly, nearly half of the genomic data are from participants with non-European ģenētisks background. This addresses a major diversity related limitation of other large genomic studies which had over 90% participants with European ģenētisks pirmdzimšana  

Jaunais genomikas dati ir pieejami reģistrētajiem pētniekiem Pētnieks Workbench. Daudzi pētnieki izmanto datu kopu.  

Study of these hitherto unexplored ģenētisks varianti should contribute to understanding influences of ģenētika on health and disease especially in under-studied communities with non-European ancestry.  



NIH. News releases- 275 million new ģenētisks variants identified in NIH precision medicine data. Posted 19 February 2024.Availalble at 


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