Ārpuszemes: Dzīvības parakstu meklēšana

Astrobiology suggest that life is abundant in the visums and the primitive microbial life forms (beyond earth) could be found earlier than intelligent forms. The search for the extra-terrestrial life involves looking for biological signatures in the vicinity of solar system and looking for radio signals or technical signatures in far away deeper telpa. There is case for renewed emphasis on searching technosignatures of life in the visums.

If there is life beyond this planēta ? This question has always intrigued people and there has been lot of sensationalism and media attention on ārpuszemes life forms. But where does science stands? Now we have a full-fledged interdisciplinary area of astrobiology dedicated to the study of the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the visums.

Uz jautājumu Ja ir dzīvība ārpus zemes, there is optimism about the possibility of extraterrestrial life (Billings L., 2018). NASA Kepler telescope has shown that the habitable worlds are abundant in the visums. So are building blocks of life hence it seems reasonable to deduce that the life should be abundant in the visums.

Is it really possible to find extra-terrestrial intelligence? Yes, there is increasing possibility due to technological advancements (Hirabayashi H. 2019). Therefore there certainly is a case for search of life on other planētas; the extra-terrestrial life form could be primitive or complex and intelligent. Estimates suggests that there is relative likelihood of success in the searches for primitive life form than intelligent one (Lingam and Loeb, 2019). The dominant thinking in astrobioloģija is that the “first contact” with extra-terrestrial life may be with microbial life elsewhere (Billings L., 2018).

How do we search them? The search for dzīve iekš visums currently involves two approaches – search for biosignatures (paraksti of biology) in and around solar system and radio search for technosignatures (signatures of advanced life forms and technology) emitted from sources far away from solar system in the galaktika and beyond. Projects like marts and Europa landers, Džeimsa Webba kosmosa teleskops are aimed at search for signatures of biology in nearby solar system while NASA SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) program and the Breakthrough Listen (BL) project are examples of search for technical signatures in far deeper telpa.

Both approaches offer benefits but the search for technosignatures seems to complement search for biology but also expands search from solar neighbourhood to deeper in visums uz galaktikas.

The search for the technosignatures involving orientation, recording and analysis of radio signals or bursts emanating from deep telpa comes at relatively much lower cost (vis a vis search for biosignatures),. for example, the annual budget of NASA SETI program was about $10 million. Much of the telpa can be targeted and searched for radio signals with strong information content, robust detection and interpretations. Further, radio search has a established scientific background and context.

Tehniskā paraksta meklēšana tiek pamatota arī ar to, ka līdz šim atlasītais meklēšanas apjoms ir ļoti zems. Tuvākajā nākotnē meklēšanas apjoms varētu tikt paplašināts. Tam būtu nepieciešama uzlabota piekļuve radioteleskopiem, resursiem, pētniecības ekosistēmas atjaunošana un sekošana līdzi aparatūras un programmatūras sasniegumiem (Margot et al 2019).


Redaktora piezīme:

Dr Jean-Luc Margot no UCLA ir ierosinājis NASA nav SETI programmas. Tai nav bijusi SETI programma vairāk nekā 25 gadus. Lūdzu, apsveriet iespēju veikt labojumu.'

Mēs vēlamies piebilst, ka NASA SETI programma tika atcelta 1993. gadā. Tajā laikā SETI programmas gada budžets bija aptuveni 10 miljoni USD.


Avots (-i)

1. Margot J et al 2019. Radio search for technosignatures in the decade 2020-2030. Pirmsdrukas arXiv:1903.05544 iesniegts (13. gada 2019. martā).
2. Billings L., 2018. No Zemes uz Visumu: dzīve, intelekts un evolūcija. Bioloģiskā teorija. 13(2).
3. Hirabayashi H. 2019. SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Astrobioloģija.
4. Lingam M un Loeb A 2019. Relatīvā veiksmes iespējamība primitīvās un inteliģentās ārpuszemes dzīves meklējumos. Astrobioloģija. 19(1).


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